Product Detail
The NBS4 submersible motors are 4” rewindable submersible motors which aresuitable for water wells which max. temperature is 30°C and which pH is between6.5 and 8.0. The filling liquid is a non-toxic dielectric fluid, which is approved bythe F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration) as well as by other various institutesof pharmacology world-wide. The coupling dimensions and flange comply with NEMA 4” standards, as these submersible motors are designed for driving 4” borehole (deep well) submersible pumps that are in accordance with 4” NEMAstandards. Usually the submersible motors are installed vertically. However,the motors may be installed horizontally provided technical approval for eachspecific application. The 4” submersible motors can be installed in boreholesup to 150 m deep. Rewind ability is assured by a design which enables the easy dismantling and assembly of the motors.
These motors are built for dependable operation in 4″ diameter or larger waterwells. Oil lubricated thrust and radial bearings enable a maintenance freeoperation. A special diaphragm ensures pressure compensation inside the motor.
Product Advantages
- Stator refrigerated in dielectric non –toxic oil bath
- Cable material according to drinking water regulation
- Sand slinger and shaft seal for high performance in sand
- High efficiency electrical design for low operation cost
- All motors prefilled and 100% tested